Welcome to my personal website. This website is essentially a renovation of my old blog. For anyone familiar with my old blog, I decided to take it down for two reasons 1) the CMS was awful, and 2) while it did have articles about music, overall it was dreadfully out of place on my music website…
This website is a more fitting home for my blog as, for now, it is meant to be a “personal lab” of sorts. I may have some different plans for it down the road, but since I haven’t been able to figure that out yet (like most things in my life), I’ve decided for reasons both selfish and unselfish to A) make this blog an outlet for both my research and thoughts that I have on a variety of topics, and more importantly, B) to try provide something of value for others.
Thanks for checking this site out, the first real post will be up soon. But before that, an important ground rule for this website: if or when you decide to comment, be sure to read this incredible essay by Paul Graham on agreement/disagreement ethics first, then make your comment. Hopefully you’ll find something interesting or of value for yourself here. Feel free to e-mail me anytime at dave@themusicalchemist.net.