My main interests are Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning and Software/App Development.

Technologies/Languages/Libraries that I use and have experience with:

Python, PyTorch, JavaScript, React, TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, SQL, R, Django, Docker, AWS, Matplotlib, Numpy, Pandas, Seaborn, Plotly, Dash, Flask, Heroku, Watson Studio, Geopandas, HTML, CSS, AppScript, AppSheet

Local COVID-19 Tracker | NYC

Built using Python, Plotly, and Dash. The Beautiful Soup and Requests packages were used to collect the data. Cleaning and wrangling were performed with Pandas. The data contains COVID-19 cases per NYC zip code tabulation area. The app fetches polygon geo-coordinates for each zip code area, and then plots the final data on a Choropleth map using Plotly and Dash. The app was deployed on a Heroku server.

The COVID-19 data comes from NYC Health’s GitHub repository. The coordinate data comes from

GitHub Profile

Check out my GitHub profile below.